Ryuichi Sakamoto, Haruomi Hosono and Hiroshi Yoshimura appear on a new Japanese compilation, Kankyō Ongaku
The 25-track compilation is an unprecedented overview of the country’s vital minimal, ambient, avant-garde, and New Age music.
The 25-track compilation is an unprecedented overview of the country’s vital minimal, ambient, avant-garde, and New Age music.
The new project's release features Sebastian Mullaert, Mathew Jonson and Dorisburg among others.
The twelve-tracker is out now via Good Morning Tapes.
Death Must Die LP is based on Stephan Crasneanscki's multiple visits to the sacred Indian city of Varanasi.
The label starts a new series with the Italian producer, One Instrument Sessions.
An in-depth look into the world of the Swiss composer and producer Thomas Fehlmann. The power of creativity and decades of expanding horizons of the electronic music landscape.
Discreet Music, Music for Films, Music for Airports and On Land were remastered at Abbey Road Studios.
The LP will be out by late October.
Untitled EP will be out later this year.
Kosua LP is due out in late October.