Orb Premieres: July 2024

Deep inside the heart of summer, July showed its ferocious nature with waves of heat. The experience of the rising temperatures instantly brings thoughts of vacation days, a chance to enjoy the sun, the lakes, and the sea. To match this impatient mood, we share the latest Orb Premiere summary, which offers a delightful respite courtesy of the work of the producers hosted in the passing month. With ten tracks in total, an uplifting yet carefree mood spreads over our surroundings for a most welcomed feeling of breeze-like relief.

Saphileaum – Kind Totem Guide

Saphileaum’s “Kind Totem Guide” is a summer-inspired composition dousing the senses in a tropical ritualistic groove, alluring with its rhythmic duality of the serene and the adventurous. Taken from the Mirage EP on Intervision.

Federico Corrado – Notte Senza Fine I

Intoxicating with its pompous bass line and shaking beats, “Notte Senza Fine I” from Federico Corrado unfolds as a nocturnal tune woven into an inherently euphoric tapestry of lucid fiber, released on the Notte Senza Fine EP via Indefinite Pitch.

Andy Martin – El Llano en Llamas

The rolling pounding under the weight of dense textures which Andy Martin showcases in “El Llano en Llamas” results in a mid-frequency melodically infused parade, creating a mystical reverberation aptly generated by a revolving, heavy-grade tapping. Taken from La creaci​ó​n de las aves LP out on Diaspora Echoes.

Zenwerk – Dew Kissed Silk

Zenwerk’s “Dew Kissed Silk” is full of sedating dream-like manoeuvres that manifest through vibrating sonic pumps and elevate within gradient atmospheric planes. “Dew Kissed Silk” is part of the split Mind The Gap EP on Night Tube Records.

Innerworld – Vibrations (Kohra Remix)

Kohra’s approach to Innerworld’s “Vibrations” conjures recurring waves of organic ripples and displays its dynamic structure through its meditative granularity, carefully enveloped in a well-designed psychedelic shell. The track is taken from Innerworld’s Vibrations EP on Qilla Records.

Command D – Madman

Command D’s “Madman” dubby motif is loaded with heavy bass chords and provides a fresh experience of linked grooviness and immersion in a wildly hypnotic and stimulating soundscape, out on the New Devices EP via Pure Space imprint.

Toupaz – Motif

Slowly and sensually drifting amidst luminescent chimes, Toupaz’s “Motif” freely reverberates against rhythmical, slow-tempo vibrations, carrying on its soothing journey on syncopated breaks and rails. “Motif” is part of the Liminal VA compilation on Oscilla Sound.

◢mj•cole• – if.i•could.fly•(benito•situation).

The futuristic synths of ◢mj•cole•’s “if.i•could.fly•(benito•situation)” sail on a sea of synthetic reflections and neon splashes, gradually gravitating towards the cosmic, distant corners for a highly enchanting output. Taken from the ◢mj•cole.cole•cuts.(the.benito•situations) EP on ◢sidehatch.

Product Toss – Understacker

Swerving expressively between low tonalities and complex broken motifs on bass-driven funkiness, Product Toss’ “Understacker” progresses through its fading, chanting-like background loops as it graciously resonates with its late-night energy. “Understacker” is taken from the Plug Gulp EP on Nostro Hood System.

Lisene – Machine Spirit

Lisene’s “Machine Spirit” captivates with its wobbling electro arrangements that expand in abstract, intergalactic corridors, generating in their journey controllable sparks of uplifting mood swings on a strangely lucid kinesis. Lisene’s “Machine Spirit” features on the Science Friction LP available via On Rotation.